Class 7 : Science : Reproduction In Plants : Fill In the Blanks Based On NCERT Book

1              To produce its kind is a characteristic of ________ living organisms.

Answer: all

Explanation: The characteristic of producing its kind applies to all living organisms.


2              The production of new individuals from their parents is known as ________.

Answer: reproduction

Explanation: The production of new individuals from their parents is called reproduction.


3              Most plants have roots, stems, and leaves, which are called the ________ parts of a plant.

Answer: vegetative

Explanation: Roots, stems, and leaves are referred to as the vegetative parts of a plant.


4              Flowers perform the function of ________ in plants.

Answer: reproduction

Explanation: Flowers serve the purpose of reproduction in plants.


5              Asexual reproduction can give rise to new plants ________ the production of seeds.

Answer: without

Explanation: Asexual reproduction allows for the generation of new plants without the need for seeds.


6              Vegetative propagation is a type of ________ reproduction in plants.

Answer: asexual

Explanation: Vegetative propagation as a form of asexual reproduction.


7              In vegetative propagation, new plants are produced from ________, stems, leaves, and buds.

Answer: roots

Explanation: Roots, along with stems, leaves, and buds, are involved in the process of vegetative propagation.


8              Bryophyllum is a plant that has ________ in the margins of its leaves.

Answer: buds

Explanation: Bryophyllum possesses buds in the margins of its leaves, which can give rise to new plants.


9              Sweet potato and dahlia can give rise to new plants through their ________.

Answer: roots

Explanation: Sweet potato and dahlia are examples of plants that can produce new plants from their roots.


10           Plants produced by vegetative propagation are exact ________ of the parent plant.

Answer: copies

Explanation: Plants obtained through vegetative propagation are identical replicas of the parent plant.


11           Take a _______ of yeast cake or yeast powder from a bakery or a chemist shop.

Answer: pinch

Explanation: Taking a pinch of yeast cake or yeast powder.


12           The small bulb-like projection coming out from the yeast cell is called a _______.

Answer: bud

Explanation: The small bulb-like projection coming out from the yeast cell is called a bud.


13           Algae multiply rapidly by _______.

Answer: fragmentation

Explanation: Algae multiply rapidly by fragmentation.


14           Spores are asexual reproductive bodies covered by a hard _______ coat.

Answer: protective

Explanation: Spores have a hard protective coat to withstand unfavourable conditions.


15           Flowers that contain both stamens and pistil are called _______ flowers.

Answer: bisexual

Explanation: Flowers with both stamens and pistil are called bisexual flowers.


16           The anther of a stamen contains _______ grains.

Answer: pollen

Explanation: The anther of a stamen contains pollen grains.


17           The female gamete or the egg is formed in an _______.

Answer: ovule

Explanation: The female gamete or the egg is formed in an ovule.


18           In sexual reproduction, a male and a female gamete fuse to form a _______.

Answer: zygote

Explanation: A zygote is formed when a male and a female gamete fuse in sexual reproduction.


19           Take a _______ flower and separate its reproductive parts.

Answer: mustard/China rose/petunia

Explanation: Taking a flower of mustard, China rose, or petunia and separating its reproductive parts.


20           Flowers that contain either only pistil or only stamens are called _______ flowers.

Answer: unisexual

Explanation: Flowers with either only pistil or only stamens are called unisexual flowers.


21           Pollen grains can be carried by ________, ________, and ________.

Answer: wind, water, insects

Explanation: Pollen grains can be dispersed by wind, water, and insects.


22           In self-pollination, pollen grains land on the stigma of the ________ flower.

Answer: same

Explanation: Self-pollination occurs when pollen grains land on the stigma of the same flower.


23           The process of fusion of male and female gametes is called ________.

Answer: fertilization

Explanation: Fertilization as the process of fusion of male and female gametes.


24           After fertilization, the ovary grows into a ________.

Answer: fruit

Explanation: After fertilization, the ovary grows into a fruit, as mentioned in the passage.


25           Seed dispersal helps plants prevent ________, ________, and ________.

Answer: overcrowding, competition, invade

Explanation: Seed dispersal helps plants prevent overcrowding, competition for sunlight, water, and minerals, and enables them to invade new habitats.


26           Vegetative propagation involves the production of new plants from ________ parts.

Answer: vegetative

Explanation: Vegetative propagation refers to the production of new plants from vegetative parts like leaves, stems, and roots.


27           The flower is the reproductive part of a ________.

Answer: plant

Explanation: The flower is the reproductive part of a plant.


28           Cross-pollination occurs when pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of ________ flower.

Answer: another

Explanation: Cross-pollination occurs when pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of another flower of the same kind.


29           Fertilization results in the formation of an ________.

Answer: embryo

Explanation: The zygote resulting from fertilization develops into an embryo.


30           Seed dispersal is aided by ________, ________, and ________.

Answer: wind, water, animals

Explanation: Seeds and fruits are dispersed by wind, water, and animals.

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